
old version

pray for me daaayuuumm

entry 0011

mar. 13, 2025

haven't been on my game for the past week. got sick the other day. and yesterday i clocked like 10 hours of screen time on my phone. it felt so horrible. instagram reels is actually too dangerous. deleting the instagram app off your phone has to be the method for being happy. at least for me. despite all that i wanted to share some songs/videos that i've been enjoying. most of these things i did find on instagram actually. so maybe that means i should hop back on and clock in another 10 hours. idk.

these are a few of my favorite thinggs

entry 0010

mar. 5, 2025

the japanese style fried rice from traders joes is flippin goated. imma keep it real. shoutout to dylan for putting me on. shit is amaze balls. uhhhh. oh yea. the lady i was talking about in the last post gave me a $80 trader joes gift card so i think i might have to spend it all on fried rice. shes moving to germany so i dont think she would have any use for it out there. maybe if it was a $80 hot dog gift card she'd keep it. i don't know man. or a pretzel card...? moving on. i think nardwuar is pretty goated. i've been watching a few of his interviews today. soooo good. what a legend. the day he interviews me will be the first day i can die peacefully. shoutout to him. i don't know what else to say. i've lost my marbles bruh. yo sound off in my email if i sound dumb as shit. xavfer581@gmail.com let me know.


entry 0009

mar. 2, 2025

this woman is probably the most intelligent and experienced person i have ever spoken to. my friend and i helped her move out of her home yesterday. hearing all her stories made me so glad to have met somebody who has chosen to live through fufillment and care and meaning. it was so amazing to hear her look back on her life with this sense of pride and even look ahead to her future with excitement. she told us a lot of great things and i am so grateful that we got the opportunity to spend the day with her. P.S. zooming in on my face is freaking me out so hard rn. ah hell nah.

W (wonderful)

entry 0008

feb. 27, 2025

i just feel like i have a pretty solid amount of things to smile about. right now im enjoying a nice healthy meal. listening to some good music. idk. it just feels really good. i had a wonderful day today. thats cool. and dope. i think im doing a pretty good job of taking care of myself and thats something that im proud of right now in this moment. it would be great if i kept that going.

no cappp bro

entry 0007

feb. 24, 2025

i gotta keep telling myself/trying to learn to apprieciate the things i have because i could easily lose them. i saw waka flocka flame post this picture on his instagram.

costco almond croissant pastry

entry 0006

feb. 14, 2025

"i swear that life is just a whole buncha vices" - a$ap rocky. somebody stop me. i've been eating TOO MUCH of these delicious flaky treats...

listen up

entry 0005

feb. 12, 2025

time to get right. went to the climbing gym today and got this one ive been trying to do for weeks. theres no such thing as impossibility. all praise be to the most high.


entry 0004

feb. 11, 2025

turn me up. holiday season.

the brutalist

entry 0003

feb. 7, 2025

saw the brutalist tonight. went into the theater blindly, with barely any expectations and was very pleased. i thought it was an excellent movie. no diss to adrien brody but his nostrils are huge. great story. movie meal of the night was a lot of popcorn and dried mango from trader joe's. shoutout to the director. shoutout to timothee chalamet. he's not in this film but ever since i watched dune, im starting to fw him more and more.

i was walking back into house tonight and noticed this flower planted in the front yard. thought it looked nice.


entry 0002

feb. 4, 2025

i was in japan for 11 days. came back two days ago. it was super cool. everything is so organized and clean. its so nice to walk and look around. the people there dress so nice. california bruhs don't really need to dress for the cold, so seeing people walk around wearing scarves and gloves was sorta new to me. my favorite look is the wool blazer with a scarf. the food is hella good too. they got it down in every single category i don't even know what else to say. they don't like silliness though. i was in setagaya on a bicycle and no cars were coming so i ran a red light and some cop yelled something over the car's loud speaker. it was in japanese so im not 100% confident he was even talking to me but im assuming he wasn't talking to the people waiting at the bus stop. i made sure to look both ways i swear. tokyo is like the biggest urban city in the world and i didn't see a single skateboarder. the dude at the shop said he sometimes gets pressed by cops when he skates to work. and graffiti is hella hard to do if you're not being extremely extremely precautious. i probably saw less than 10 pieces of trash on the ground and barely any homeless people. absolutely zero crackheads. no tweaking is the first rule in their rulebook im pretty sure. interesting how different it is from the bay area. also TV is hella entertaining there. before bed i would sit on the couch and watch TV and i was mad invested in the bright colors and goofy antics. they got a very simple comic mischief type of humor in japan. i kinda fw that. i made a post on my instagram but here's a link to see more photos i took on the trip.

new look

entry 0001

feb. 4, 2025

i wanted to redo the look of the website. this makes more sense to me right now. i wanted it be a more basic journal. there's a link to the old version at the top right. haven't put much up on this website since i came back from school. the reason why i was able to post so much was because i was so bored in my dorm but now that im not, i use my time doing other things. i'll post but not as often.

here's the original sketch i made on the plane when i had the idea to rennovate the site.